Budget review: COPEC warns against new fuel taxes

NEWS Budget review: COPEC warns against new fuel taxes SOURCE: Reporting Oil and Gas | Editor POSTED ON: July 18, 2023 July 18, 2023 CATEGORY: NEWS The Chamber of Petroleum Consumers (COPEC) has issued a stern warning to the government urging them to refrain from implementing new taxes on petroleum products in the upcoming mid-year budget review. The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, is scheduled to present the Mid-year budget review to Parliament on July 25, 2023. According to COPEC, reliable sources have disclosed the government’s intention to impose additional taxes on fuel, which is already a burden for consumers. Duncan Amoah, the Executive Secretary of COPEC, expressed his deep concern, stating that such an insensitive move would exacerbate the difficulties faced by Ghanaians. “What I am even picking up from the budget to be read soon is that if Ghanaians are not lucky, there will be newer taxes… But we will issue a warning here. If government dares us, we will dare them this time. I mean, it’s already crazy. We are trying. When it comes to austerity, what governments across the world will try to do is to provide support and relief,” he said on Accra-based Citi TV. “But when you are in austerity, and you are taxing even more, you are simply shuttering people’s livelihoods. This is going to be crazy for people. But beyond this, if you are getting new attempts to slap taxes on petrol, which is already high, then the insensitivity, the misalignment. He is probably not diagnosing the problem properly to be able to proffer solutions properly.” Tagged Citi TV, COPEC, fuel taxes, Ken Ofori-Atta