Weekly bitumen report: The Impact of Oil Price Increase on Deals

Oil prices rose on concerns of decreased demand and global economic weakness. On friday, July 14, oil prices rose in the deals of the day due to expectations...

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Weekly Bitumen Report: The Middle East Prices Increased Drastically

Crude growth As was expected last week, demand in the Middle East continues rising and it is putting more pressure on bitumen prices. It is happening while other...

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Weekly bitumen report: Exploring the Dynamics of Oil Prices in Iran

Iran’s oil prices remain stable, but competition between refineries has increased, leading to a rise in vacuum bottom prices. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has extended its membership...

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Weekly Bitumen Report: Gradually Rising Prices in the Middle East

Freights at the Lowest Bitumen increased last week after a long time of falling. The competition in Iran is leading the prices and the sentiment of the market...

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Weekly bitumen report: Stable Days in the Market: What’s Driving the Market?

The recent events, including Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Washington, highlight the importance of regional relationships. Over the past week, the world has witnessed a number of events...

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Weekly Bitumen Report: Things On Edge Again

Economic Slowdown The Bitumen market was very suspicious about its next movement since it couldn’t decide how to react to the market’s fluctuations. In Singapore and Korea, they...

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Weekly Market report: Iran’s Crude Oil Export: A Closer Look

Iran’s crude oil exports reached their highest monthly level in May 2023 despite USA sanctions, surpassing 1.5 million barrels per day The European Central Bank (ECB) has declared...

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Weekly Bitumen Report: Demand and Supply opposite News

Bad Climate in Several Regions Falling prices of bitumen made more traders confused about their purchases. But it could not stop the market even by more decline. There...

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Weekly Market report: The Federal Reserve of the United States: A Historical Overview

The Federal Reserve announced no further interest rate increases after raising rates ten times since March 2022 to contain inflation, which has now reached 4%. The Federal Reserve...

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